In this quick blog post, I'll address an issue I encountered recently. I had a request to delete an Exchange distribution group, but the challenge was that the group was not in Active Directory (AD) but in EntraID. After some investigation, I discovered it was orphaned, meaning it existed in EntraID but not in AD. To remove it, I had to use PowerShell.
Identifying and Removing Orphaned Groups
After locating the orphaned group, I wondered how many other groups were in a similar state. To address this, I decided to write a PowerShell script to find and delete these groups.
Script Overview
Step 1: Install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell Module
First, you'll need to install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell Module. Use the following command to install it:
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope AllUsers
Step 2: Connect to Microsoft Graph with Group Read Rights
Next, connect to Microsoft Graph to retrieve the groups that are synced from on-premises to Azure:
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'Group.Read.All'
$props = "id","OnPremisesSamAccountName","OnPremisesSyncEnabled"
$Azure = Get-MgGroup -All -Property $props | select OnPremisesSamAccountName, OnPremisesSyncEnabled
Step 3: Retrieve Groups from Active Directory
You'll also need the Active Directory PowerShell module. Although I won't cover how to load it here, the next command retrieves all groups from Active Directory:
$AD = get-adgroup -filter *
Step 4: Filter and Compare Groups
To compare groups, filter the outputs. Adjust the AD part of the command to use SamAccountName
since the DisplayName
may be blank for some universal AD groups. This will compare the Azure AD group DisplayName
with the Active Directory SamAccountName
$Groups = $AZDN | where-object {$ADDN -NotContains $_}
Step 5: Obtain EntraID Values
Get the EntraID "ID" values, which are numeric, for the groups not found in Active Directory:
$objectid = foreach ($id in $Groups) {
Get-MgGroup -filter "DisplayName eq '$id'"
$objectid2 = $objectid.Id
Step 6: Connect to EntraID
Connect to EntraID:
Step 7: Remove the Groups
Finally, remove the groups from EntraID. Double-check your work as AD Connect should repopulate the groups if you make a mistake:
foreach ($id2 in $objectid2) {
Remove-AzureADGroup -ObjectId "$id2"
That's the script. Hopefully, it helps if you ever encounter this situation. Always validate your outputs to ensure that the groups do not exist in Active Directory before removal. You can also download the script from my Github page, located here.